Last week, we had such a wonderful, though brief, intermission from winters grasp. The many days of fluffy white snow and ice that blanketed the earth, gave way to the silent and gentle persuasion of the sunshine which slowly melted down the big snowbanks of winter. It was a welcome reprieve for those with cabin fever.
After church on Sunday, I discovered Rosevilles Central Park , which is very close to our home. Being new in the area, it was like finding an unexpected treasure for me. I drove in, and saw all of the trails so nicely groomed and hurried home to get my dear companion to come walk with me. The su

The edge of the small watershed lake in the park, was a nice open area for the ducks to settle and find a haven to swim, fluff their feathers and simply enjoy the sunlight. They too welcomed this small gift given in the midst of a harsh winter.
It seems that we sometimes need to experience some discomforts or unpleasantries to truly appreciate the simple little everyday gifts that are presented to us along the way. Things like seeing the first tulips peeking through the snow in springtime, or the sight of sunlight and a rainbow in the sky, after a storm. They are all earths gifts of promise telling us that all is well, in the circle of life, and no matter what storms may come, hope and healing are not far behind.
I am so happy to live in this part of the country where we can experience a panorama of changing seasons, each with a beauty all its own. Winters white, Springs blossoms and songbirds, summers playground and autumns gold, all are part of the tapestry we call Minnesota. We are happy to be here anticipating each new season.