Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Good Friend Is Better Than Gold

A good friend is better than gold is a quote that I used to put on my magnets and cards to share with others. We all, hopefully , have some friends, old or new, but what we need in our lives are true blue good friends.

They accept us as we are, faults and blemishes, the good and the bad because they see our inner spirit which defines who we are. What attracts me to a person are all of those intangible qualities that touch my senses and soul. A sense of humor, loyalty, kindness and a sharing of good conversation about the everyday happenings in life are important, and most of all being an honest, honorable person. I am, and I suppose everybody is, drawn to those special people that enter our life. They are our friends and being with them, sharing moments in time, enriches both parties lives. the giver and receiver. We are mirrors to one another and seek to bring out the best in each other by sharing the best in ourselves.

We all need people in our life who can help light our path while we also can light theirs by the things we do and say. Think how sad it would be if we could not communicate with one another. We would be isolated in time. I believe sincere communication is the link to any relationship if it is to flourish. Hopefully, friends can always share with one another but sometimes in men and women relationships, it can be more difficult when the thread of sharing verbally becomes broken.

I have endured some shattered expectations in my life in relationships, but thankfully I have learned so much from them. Now, I am at the point in time when I realize my own sense of self as a woman reaching out to friends around me, in my little world. The future is brighter and I picture myself as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon flitting from flower to flower with a song in my heart.

There are so many good people out there just waiting to share friendship and love. It just takes a smiling hello to warm another person's soul and open the swinging door of friendship.

Better than gold, indeed, is one true friend. How lucky we are to walk that two way path to a friend's house and share the gift of friendship.