Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Beginnings

Each morning in the springtime, I awaken early, often before the sunrise, and am blessed to hear the song of birds in the tree outside my window and smell the fragrance of blossoms in the air. It is a season of new beginnings and a gift to each of us.

At this time in my life, after going through the loss of my husband and father, within two months of each other, over four years ago, I am finally finding that joyful path to finding "me" again. My friends and family have back the person that they loved.

Sometimes, we have to walk a difficult path, before we learn to live again, as God meant us to in the beginning. I find myself reaching out more to others and realizing how much we all need each other, because the journey in life is new to each of us. Sharing friendship and love is that magical chord that binds us all together.

My day begins with a prayer of gratitude and a cup of that wonderful coffee to send me on the way. Whether I am painting a pastel or watercolor or just visiting with a friend, I feel the joy of sharing my love of life and I hope to touch the lives of others with kindness and beauty and brighten somebody's day.

Let's celebrate the day together!