barns? Is it because they are reminders of days spent on grandma's farm in the country, and they feel a sense turning back time to those golden "olden days" of yore? Or is it because of the wonderful solid structure of those old buildings that endure the storms of the ages and still look strong and beautiful, with fading paint and weathered wood?
I think it is because each old barn has a story to tell, if we but listen. I took this picture today, of an old barn up in Centuria, Wisconsin. I went up there with a friend to visit an apple orchard and this barn was situated in the background amidst some tall evergreen trees. In the distance, the hills were alive with fall colors which are still a little shy of their peak. There

was a scent of smoke in the atmosphere from the bonfire that the caretaker had burning and that paired well with the cool autumn air. It reminded me of camping out on a cool evening and how comfortable and safe one feels when they sit in a circle around a campfire.
There was little shed with an awning overhang where a lady was selling bags of apples. A little white poodle was dancing in circles on it's leash, as it tried to play with some children nearby. The poodle reminded me of my little grey poodle, Charlie, who I usually put into my paintings. I still miss that dear little curly haired friend. It is amazing how we are reminded of other things in our past when our mind is triggered by something we see or hear. Whether it be an old barn, a little dog, or a song we hear, we are transported to something in our lives.
Besides the apple stand and barn, there was an old house, which had been turned into an art gallery with paintings by the local artists. I am always interested in other people's art works because of my own artistic endeavors. I found the works delightful, from watercolors, to yarn works from home spun yarns and some grand wood carvings. There was a little brick path leading to the house which meandered through a loosely scattered flower garden. Very artistic and enjoyable to be amidst on this very perfect fall day. May we enjoy many more days like today as we head toward those blissful Indian summer days that color our world so brilliantly, before winter whites arrive.