Today was such a nice day, so I decided to revisit a favorite place of mine from when I first moved to this area in 1964. It is where the Sunrise and St. Croix Rivers meet at the part of the state park located in the town of Sunrise.
Sunrise is a small township located northwest of Lindstrom along #9, whic
h leads to Harris. The community , which is very small, rests in a valley along the Sunrise River and near the State Park. If you turn on the dirt road past Janelle Jacobsens' Pottery studio, and follow the road, you will come to the park and fork of the two rivers. Summertime finds many of the younger crowd tubing the shallow and winding river as it heads to the St.Croix. It is very scenic and has a nice picnic area and several long and beautiful wooded trails to follow.

Enroute to the rivers, one passes the very old Sunrise cemetery which lies sheltered beneath large pine trees. It is the resting place for ma
ny of the early settlers and has a quiet beauty as one listens to the whisper of the breeze in the pines.

There is a town park on another part of the winding river that has a well maintained picnic area and has a large shelter for get togethers. One warm March day, years ago, my husband, Dave, and I had a little picnic there and we marvelled at how the warm spring sunshine made even a day in late winter, a day to be enjoyed. One has to seize the op
portunity to enjoy life's little pleasures whenever they present themselves.

It seems that when a person lives in an area for a long time they always have nostalgic places that have special memories of many happy hours spent enjoying life's simple pleasures and nature's beauty. Perhaps, it is our way of connecting with our youth. I have always believed that if we seek out the places and people who touch our lives and awaken in us a feeling of belonging, we will find them. Perhaps it will be in our own backyard.