I had this wonderful little dog, Susie, that I loved so much. She was the prettiest tan and white fox terrier with the most loving disposition. Susie was so dainty that if I gave her a tiny biscuit, she would take it to a carpet and break it in two before she ate it. She was my baby before my children came along, so she was a special addition to my life.
I always would put Susie outside with her leash attached to a long wire runway so she could get her exercise, unless I would go for a walk with her. One day, however, she somehow got loose and I could not find her anywhere. I cried and called her name but she was nowhere to be found. I tearfully prayed for the return of my beloved dog from wherever she might be. Not long after that, as I searched the big yard for her, I looked up toward the house and there she was standing, just looking at me. To me, that was a miracle and an answer to my prayer.
One other time, we had a large herd of wild cattle that was delivered to us from Montana. They were used to running free on the range. My husband had them unloaded into a large wooded pasture to graze until time came for branding and resale. A team of six men came to gather them in but failed miserably to do the job. My husband was away most of the time so I was left to tend the farm and I was determined to capture those cattle becauase I knew there must be a way. My younger farm helper and I set up a hog wire fence in a oval shape near the woods, and hung corn stalks from the fence to tempt them. We waited while I earnestly prayed that they would come. I know you may not believe me, but after an hour or so, the cattle came slowly walking in a single row over to that handmade corral and went in and stayed there, even though it was only 4 feet high and they could have jumped over it. It was then and now, a miracle in every sense of the word. A simple answer to an earnest prayer.
There have been so many everyday miracles in my life, not just in answer to prayers, but the very fact that each day comes to us bringing miracles all around us and they happen in ordinary ways. The transition of a butterfly from a cocoon or the dainty flowers that lift out of the earth in the springtime to share their beauty and fragrance, are a few of those everday miracles which brighten our lives. In this month of Thanksgiving, and always, let us give thanks for the blessings and small miracles that touch our lives every day of the year. Sharing our stories with one another also will enrich the lives of others who know that anything is possible when we believe in miracles.