Last Friday, my friend and I took a brief escape from the ice and snow of early winter, and whiled away some peaceful hours at Como Conservatory. It is one of my favorite places to visit and has been since 1962 when we lived in Roseville, and my little ones and I would spend hours in that area at the zoo, doing rides for the children and feeding the ducks over on the pond by that beautiful pavillion. Bruce and Donna and I loved to ride the paddle boats there and watch the ducks swimming along side of us.
The conservatory has expanded over the years and now has added the Tropical Rain Forest, with Chloe, the sloth who always hangs out in her tree, the Fern Room, Bonsaii Room, a very nice gift shop and a good cafeteria. Of all of the rooms, I enjoy the seasonal changing Sunken Garden, with that beautiful statue of a slender maiden poised overlooking the water lily pond. When I walk into the Conservatory, I immediately get a sense of tranquillity as the warm and humid tropical air engulfs me. The sight of a variety of orchids on some of the trees and landscape adds a special rainbow of colors to the lush greenery within. The peaceful flow of water bubbling out of fountains and flowing over rocks awakens and calms the senses as nothing else. At times, I have seen a solitary person simply sitting on a bench, writing or sketching so as to carry their impressions as a constant reminder of a haven to seek when in need.

The baby giraffe was a beauty also, and we were told that , like snowflakes, no two giraffes have the same identical spotted markings. They are a graceful animal with a long neck and such a small head and pretty face perched atop that neck.
In the summertime , we will visit all of the animals as well as walk the many well kept walkways that are spread throughout the park. The butterfly garden, which is across from the conservatory, is also a favorite spot of mine because it attracts so many pretty butterflies. I remember fondly, walking through the tent, that housed a large collection of butterflies which were gathered from around the world. It was like music to the spirit to watch them flutter among the many flowers which attracted them.
The simple joys of ordinary moments spent enjoying nature, or an artistic experience, are like sunshine for the soul and can brighten any cold and wintery day, just by recalling them to the window of our mind. Let us always try to find beauty in the world of nature around us, or in the spirit of loving relationships.