As I walked along the river trail I could see eagles soaring overhead, majestic and graceful as they seemingly floated across the sky. We are so lucky to live in this area of Chisago County near the river, interstate park with hiking trails, and the ambiance of a small town like Taylor's Falls.
My children and grandchildren and I have hiked the Curtain Falls Trail for years and enjoyed the seasonal changes of flora and fauna. It is about one mile long, but a very steep climb in the beginning and though I used to be the one running ahead, now I find it is easier to stop along the way . The pull of gravity is very noticeable on the climb. The park crew do an excellent job of maintenance of the trail by clearing fallen trees and putting in steps, handrails and small wooden bridges as needed.
It is so easy, as one drives by in a car, not to notice the colorful bluffs, especially when sunlight almost makes the glow, and they are a background for colorful foliage that could be a ca

On my hike back, I spotted the loveliest little lime green vine with a tiny aster like lavendar flower clinging to it, sitting in the bright sunlight beneath a large oak tree.

It is fitting, that at the end of summer, we have autumn coming to us, dressed in her finest array and gently leading us into into the season ahead , of winter whites and a time for the earth to rest, until the circle of seasons begins again in the springtime. Our lives are similar to the seasons, following the same slow, yet everchanging pattern that takes us along the roadway of life. May we all find pleasure and peace on our journey.