I love walking in the woods at this time of year when the greenery around me is evolving into warm and mellow shades of autumn. It is happening each moment of the day and night, so gradually that we do not really notice it until one day we are amazed by the colorful change in the landscape. The earth seems to be singing a joyful song as it prepares to share the last days of summer and move us on to the changes that celebrate the patterns of life.

The mirrored reflections of autumn's canvas upon the perfectly calm and serene lake remind me of how important it is that we all take time to enjoy the magic of each season. Seek and find the happiness that comes from knowing that we all are part of the miracle that the falling sands of time touch. Earth and people are in constant change and each of us are part of a greater plan.
Age is just a number and we always will be that little girl or boy inside, while our exterior may pass through the beautiful stages of the seasons. We can dance to the music of our singing spirits if we consider the fabulous journey we are on and join with one another in sharing time together. Life is a circle with no beginning and no end, and like the seasons it just keeps rolling along. We are each so unique and touch so many more lives by our words and actions than we can imagine. Our lives are reflected in those we love and whose lives we have touched by just being ourselves.
Celebrate the season and being you, whatever age you are.