My son and daughter were at the young age that they really enjoyed the discovery of a new vacation spot and were good travellers. At that time, I was not doing any photography or sketching, so alas, I

Cherry trees are abundant there and when we went, the trees were in blossom and a heavenly sight to behold, and then the fragrance of pink blossoms filled the air. It was not the current hot spot that it is now.. That made it all the more of a nice family discovery area as the children were able to play on the sandy beach and look for pretty rocks without a crowd around. The waves of Lake Michigan splashing on the shore line made us feel like we were near an ocean.
The famous Fish boil, which they were noted for, was indeed an enjoyable treat. On Friday night, they built a big fire over which a large cast iron kettle hung cooking the fish and at just the right time, they added potatoes and vegetables. When it was done, they let the kettle boil over and we were ready to enjoy. It is hard to believe how very good that tasted because it sounds so simple. It was a crowd pleaser.
Living in the country on a family farm, we did still manage to take vacations with the children. Often, we would go tenting to the Dakotas, Colorado or up north in Minnesota. It was always an adventure and built good memories for the children especially. With the tenting bit , there were some rainy days or days when we woke up on a flat air mattress that were not so memorable, but all in all, it was good family time and provided bonding with one another and nature.
Sharing happy moments of relaxation and discovery with family and friends builds the strong ties that bind. Getting to know and love one another unites us so that in times of joy or sadness we are there for each other, for the good times and the bad. Whether we realize it or not, people do need each other, like Barbra Streistrand used to sing " People Who Need People Are the Luckiest People in the World." Therte is an element of truth to that.
We took a ferry out to Washington Island and enjoyed hiking the sandy shores and hills and had a picnic of crackers and island smoked fish. The ferry ride, for the children, was a highlight. There is such a wonderful feeling one gets by being surrounded by water and splashing waves on the shoreline. It is a feeling of peacefulness and relaxation.
When we left the peninsula, we shopped a bit in Green Bay, and my young son somehow lost his wallet which contained a small amount of money, perhaps five dollars, which was alot then. He was sad but what a surprise when ,one day, it arrived in the mail from some kind person who returned it, money and all. It is so good to know that there are honest and caring people in the world who are conscientious travellers on the road of life.