Though winter can be cold and dreary to some folks, to me the thought of winter evokes warm memories of a carefree childhood in the country. Many of the people who purchase my paintings, though they are simply done but with love in my heart, also take pleasure in recalling the days when they or their children were little.
There is nothing quite so beautiful to me as a fresh blanket of soft and white fluffy snow gently resting upon the dried grasses or shrubs that once sheltered the birds of summer. It is fresh and clean and each snowflake is as delicate as only God could create in His love for humanity.
I used to love to walk in the woods after a fresh snowfall and marvel at the almost sacred silence of the surroundings. The boughs of evergreens would gently droop from the soft pillow of pure white which lay upon them. Sometimes, I would notice fresh tracks where a rabbit had hopped along to his winter shelter.
We used to have wonderful fun, on a moonlit night, when mom would take my brother and I sleigh riding down the long and icy winter hill that lead to our country home. Sometimes , we went so fast, that it took our breathe away and brought tears to my eyes. In the daytime, we would have fun building snowmen, when the snow had just enough moisture to retain the shape.
Coal for eyes, a scarf and cap and mittens at the end of a stick, brought the frosty fella to life. Our little dog, Laddie, would be bouncing about and frolicking along with us , as we laughed and played, oblivious to all except our own pleasure. As a child, the world revolves around us and we feel safe and secure in the love and warmth of family and friends. It is a time when the solid foundations of our lives are being built and we have no fear .

Each season has it's own beauty, but to me a soft winter snowfall warms my spirit as I recall the joys of many yesterdays when I was young. I hope that each of you can find peace within as you recall the simpler days of your youth.