Sometimes, I think that we adults get ourselves into a dither trying to accomplish as much as we can in a short period of time. But I ask myself, why do we do that? I certainly have been guilty of it in my younger days when I worked from sunrise to past sunset, as if everything depended only on me. I often thought it really did. The lessons we learn in life come at a price we each must pay, but that is the only way to truly learn. We are never too old to learn something new and it is usually by trial and error
I try to take precious moments each day now to just sit quietly and watch nature around me. The little finches have been coming to my feeder daily to enjoy the thistle seed, which is always w

I look out of my bedroom window and see the softly falling rain as it settles on each leaf of the large Japanese Lilac tree beyond my window. The air is sweet and fresh with the clean smell that only rain can bring.
Many a morning, I notice the soft shades of rose colors that bathe the fluffy clouds that are lit by the sunrise. The heavens above are an ever changing canopy where we can be like children and lose ourselves and let our imagination allow us to drift along among the clouds. Whether it is in the world of nature or in watching the clouds go by, we can find serenity and inner peace which nurture our spirits and create a oneness with ourselves and the universe.
I wish peace and serenity for each person who dances on this earth for the little while we are here.